
Cutting-edge technology for your mobile experience.

Scene Geometry API

Scene Geometry API

Price and tax updates for apps, In-App Purchases, and subscriptions

The App Store is designed to make it easy to sell your digital goods and services globally, with support for 44 currencies across 175 storefronts. From time to time, we may need to adjust prices or your proceeds due to changes…

Scene Geometry API

It’s Glowtime.

Join us for a special Apple Event on September 9 at 10 a.m. PT. Watch on apple.com, Apple TV, or YouTube Live.

Scene Geometry API

Upcoming changes to the browser choice screen, default apps, and app deletion for EU users

By the end of this year, we’ll make changes to the browser choice screen, default apps, and app deletion for iOS and iPadOS for users in the EU. These updates come from our ongoing and continuing dialogue with the European…

Scene Geometry API

Updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement now available

Attachment 2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been amended to specify requirements for use of the In-App Purchase API. Please review the changes and accept the updated terms in your account. View the full terms and conditions…

Scene Geometry API

Hello Developer: December 2024

In this edition: The year in sessions, activities, apps, and games. Read the full article

Scene Geometry API

Get your apps and games ready for the holidays

The busiest season on the App Store is almost here. Make sure your apps and games are up to date and ready. App Review will continue to accept submissions throughout the holiday season. Please plan to submit time-sensitive submissions early, as…

Scene Geometry API

App Store Award finalists announced

Every year, the App Store Awards celebrate exceptional apps and games that improve people’s lives while showcasing the highest levels of technical innovation, user experience, design, and positive cultural impact. This year, the App Store Editorial team is proud to…

Scene Geometry API

Reminder: Upcoming Changes to the App Store Receipt Signing Intermediate Certificate

As part of ongoing efforts to improve security and privacy on Apple platforms, the App Store receipt signing intermediate certificate is being updated to use the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm. This certificate is used to sign App Store receipts, which are the proof…

Scene Geometry API

Algorithm changes to server connections for Apple Pay on the Web

Starting next month, Apple will change the supported algorithms that secure server connections for Apple Pay on the Web. In order to maintain uninterrupted service, you’ll need to ensure that your production servers support one or more of the designated six ciphers before…

Scene Geometry API

Hello Developer: January 2025

In the first edition of the new year: Bring SwiftUI to your app in Cupertino, get ready for the Swift Student Challenge, meet the team behind Oko, and more. Read the full article