Explore the latest developer videos and learn about Metal, SharePlay, enterprise apps and more.
What’s new for enterprise developers
Discover how you can build compelling apps for your business on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS. We’ll take you through a curated overview of the latest updates to Apple platforms and show you how to transform workflows, inform business decisions, and boost employee productivity.

What’s new for enterprise developers
Discover Metal Performance HUD
Get to know the new Metal Performance heads-up display panel built to help you analyze graphics performance in real time. Metal Performance HUD displays key graphics statistics so you can monitor, log, and identify tough-to-spot performance problems.

Discover Metal Performance HUD
Add SharePlay to your multiplayer game with Game Center
Learn how to let your players jump into games with friends they’re on FaceTime calls with, using SharePlay. We’ll show you how easy it is to turn on SharePlay support if you are already using the Game Center multiplayer UI. And if you’ve built a custom interface, we’ll give you the few lines of code you need to support SharePlay.

Add SharePlay to your multiplayer game with Game Center
Migrate custom intents to App Intents
Learn how you can easily convert your existing custom intents to App Intents. We’ll take you through the conversion of your intents to Swift and discuss how you can improve discoverability of your app features when you create App Shortcuts.

Migrate custom intents to App Intents
Implement Apple Pay and order management
Explore Apple Pay, an easy and secure way for people to make payments in your iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS apps and on the web. We’ll take you through the entire Apple Pay implementation workflow – including how you can signal support for Apple Pay, request payment and handling updates, and add order details at the end of a payment flow to help people track their purchases.